HR Toolkit for Growing SME's
The Handbook
Containing bespoke company information and the following policies.
Policy Pack
Grievance policy
Disciplinary policy
Performance improvement policy
Maternity, paternity, and family-friendly policies
Holiday policy
Harassment and bullying policy
Equal opportunities policy
Sickness absence policy
Data protection policy
Email, internet, and social media policy
Job Offer Pack
Template Offer Letter
Employment Contract
Reference Form
Personal Data Form
Data Protection Policy Relating To Staff
300 mins telephone support for queries relating to the document’s
90 mins Training session on how to use the documents and how you can limit risk to your business
If you are starting on a new business venture or looking to grow your team for the first time, we have a suitable pack for you.
InterlinkHR offers a bespoke handbook tailored to your company to reflect your practices and company ethics and will provide the essential policies you will need, to keep your business compliant. The pack contains job offer documents to present to new hires, allowing you to present a professional front, from the start of the process. You will be supported through the process with dedicated time teaching you ‘best practice’ to complement your business.