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  • Writer's pictureClaire Robinson

April Zen, Navigating Stress Awareness Month

Employers play a pivotal role in fostering mental well-being among their staff, particularly during Stress Awareness Month, the month of April. At InterlinkHR, we believe it's crucial for managers to ensure their team effectively manages the stresses inherent in their roles. While some pressure can be beneficial, if employees begin to struggle, it's essential to intervene.

In the workplace, colleagues and team members often spend more time together than they do with their own families. This closeness allows them to develop personal connections and notice when someone is behaving unusually. It's important to take the initiative and ask the crucial question: "Are you okay? Can I offer any support?" This simple act of reaching out can make a significant difference in someone's well-being.

Recognising signs of stress in employees is key. Symptoms may include:

  • Lateness

  • Reduced quality of work

  • Increased accidents

  • Increase in employee work errors

  • Confusion or forgetfulness

  • Change in physical appearance

  • Withdrawal from peers

  • Mood Swings and negative attitude

Managers.... How can you help your team?

Open Communication -  Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their challenges. Encourage regular check-ins to assess their well-being and address issues promptly.

Access to Support Services -  Provide resources and information on mental health support services available within the organisation or through external specialists. This could include counselling services or employee assistance programs.

Training and Education -  Offer workshops or training sessions on stress management techniques and resilience-building strategies to empower employees to better cope with workplace pressures.

Encourage Self-Care -  Promote activities that prioritise self-care, such as breaks, exercise, and mindfulness practices. Encourage employees to prioritise their well-being both inside and outside of work.

Flexible Work Arrangements -  Consider adjusting work patterns to accommodate individual needs. This could involve flexible hours or remote work options to alleviate stressors.

Promote Workload Balance -  Monitor workloads and ensure they are manageable for each employee. Avoid overloading individuals with tasks and provide support or resources if they are feeling overwhelmed.

Encourage Breaks and Time Off - Encourage employees to take regular breaks throughout the day and utilise their annual leave days. Encourage a culture where taking time off is not only accepted but also encouraged to recharge and prevent burnout.

Lead by Example -  Senior leaders should model healthy work habits and prioritise their own well-being. When employees see that their leaders prioritise self-care, they are more likely to do the same.

Promote Physical Wellness - Offer wellness programs that promote physical activity, healthy eating, and stress-reducing activities such as yoga or meditation sessions.

Regular Feedback and Recognition -  Provide regular feedback and recognition for good work. Feeling valued and appreciated can help reduce stress and increase job satisfaction.

Address Organisational Stressors -  Identify and address any systemic issues within the organisation that may be contributing to stress levels, such as poor communication channels, unclear expectations, or a toxic work culture.

By implementing these strategies, managers can create a supportive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and equipped to manage and reduce their stress effectively.


For more information about how to help your team members Contact Us today!



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